
New Year, New You, with CBD

by Alexander Bland on Jan 16, 2025

New Year, New You, with CBD

New Year’s Resolutions are an annual tradition where people across the country and around the world make promises of self-improvement, but they’re not always easy to stick to. A recent survey by YouGov indicated that only a third of Brits who made a resolution in 2024 actually stuck to it, so the odds aren’t exactly in your favour. Of course, this should come as no surprise, since major life changes require more than willpower alone to pull off successfully.

If you’re looking to make a change in 2025, there are things you can do to smooth the path ahead. In this article, we’re going to look at five of the most common New Year’s Resolutions in the UK and demonstrate how CBD products can support you along the way.

Health and Wellbeing

Whether it’s exercising more, losing weight, eating healthier, or a combination of the three, improving our health and wellbeing is a popular goal for many of us, and CBD can help you in all three areas. After a lengthy run, swim, or gym session, a topical CBD cream or muscle balm can help to relieve those aches and pains, allowing for a more consistent workout routine. Studies have shown that CBD also acts as an appetite suppressant, helping you kick those cravings for snacks in between meals. With a range of CBD gummies and edibles available, you can incorporate them into your diet, enjoying a tasty treat that also reduces your need for further snacking.

New Skills

Whether you want to draw, play an instrument, learn a new language, or become a DIY expert, developing a new skill requires focus and concentration. Studies have indicated that CBD helps to reduce anxiety and improve cognitive function, making it easier to absorb new information. A few drops of CBD oil applied under the tongue before each session can potentially improve both focus and retention.

Reduce Stress

Whatever lifestyle you lead, self-care and reducing stress are important. Stress doesn’t just affect your immediate mental well-being; it can form a major obstacle to achieving other life goals. CBD interacts with the body's endocannabinoid system, helping to regulate your mood and stress responses. Best of all, it doesn’t matter how you incorporate it into your daily routine—take a few drops of CBD oil in the morning, draw on a CBD vape pen, or chew a gummy during the day, and use a CBD-infused cream as part of your skincare regimen. These are all effective ways to enjoy the stress-relieving effects of CBD.

Quit Smoking or Drinking

Breaking unhealthy habits is another classic New Year’s resolution. While CBD alone won’t quell the cravings you might have for cigarettes and alcohol, it can provide vital support when you need it most. For smokers, a disposable CBD vape pen is an ideal substitute for your regular cigarettes, providing a familiar hand-to-mouth habit without the harmful carcinogens. For both nicotine and alcohol, CBD cannot reduce actual cravings, but its calming properties may help manage the anxiety that often triggers the urge to smoke or drink.

Read More Books

Another popular resolution is to read more, but it’s often easier said than done. Aside from finding the spare time in the day to read, when you do get it, it can be difficult switching off from the daily grind to be able to focus. If you can set aside some reading time in the evening, why not take some CBD oil or a delicious CBD edible a few minutes beforehand? Its calming effect prepares your body for rest, making it easier to relax and get into a good book.

Start 2025 the Right Way

Whether you want to make a change as part of your New Year’s Resolution for 2025 or at any other time of the year, CBD NectarNurse is here to help. We have an extensive range of high-quality CBD products that can assist you in your journey, available now directly from our online store. If you have any questions about which is the right solution for you, send an email to, and we’ll be happy to advise you.