
How CBD Can Improve Your Sleep and Mental Well-being

by Alexander Bland on Sep 29, 2024

How CBD Can Improve Your Sleep and Mental Well-being

CBD is well known for its many mental health benefits. Here at CBD NectarNurse, our customers frequently share good news stories about how taking CBD has helped them to manage their anxiety, improve their concentration, and generally take the edge off lifestyles that are often hectic.

A key component to good mental well-being is a regular sleep schedule. Lack of sleep or an irregular sleep pattern can play havoc with our mental health on a day-to-day basis. If you’re not getting adequate sleep at night, you run the risk of losing focus, feeling fatigued, and even falling asleep at work.

Fortunately, CBD isn’t just for managing the symptoms that come with poor mental health. It can assist you in forming and maintaining the good sleep habits that form the foundation of a better well-being routine.


Insomnia is the result of an overactive hypothalamus that causes a stress reaction in the brain, making us process concerns, trauma, and general anxiety at a subconscious level. This elevates our stress receptors, making sleep almost impossible to come by. CBD is able to suppress these stress hormones, helping us to equalise our sleep and wake rhythm throughout the night.

Circadian Rhythm Disorders

If your internal body clock is out of sync with your environment, you may be suffering from a circadian rhythm disorder that prevents you from sleeping. Most often noted as a side effect of jetlag, other causes include extended periods of working from home and changes to the seasons, leading to lighter or darker mornings and nights. While CBD can’t change your circadian rhythm directly, it can reduce the risk of suddenly waking in the night.


As we’ve mentioned before on this blog, CBD is an effective way to manage a variety of anxiety disorders. Intrusive thoughts often accompany such disorders, which our brains hyper-fixate on, making it difficult to drift off to sleep. A dose of CBD oil before bed can help to regulate and equalise those thoughts, make it easier to consciously disregard them, and promote better sleep.

Restless Leg Syndrome

While the clinical evidence is not as diverse here, early studies suggest that CBD can effectively treat the symptoms of various neurological conditions, including Parkinson’s Disease, by reducing the frequency of abnormal nerve firings. Since Restless Leg Syndrome is another neurological disorder with a similar pathology, some have speculated that CBD oil can help to limit the number of leg spasms a person might experience in any given night.

Chronic Pain

Many of our customers, particularly those with an ongoing condition, take CBD products as part of their pain management routine. With proven anti-inflammatory properties, CBD is an effective way to control the pain associated with swollen joints, allowing them to enjoy a more comfortable sleep.

The Right CBD Solution for You

If you want to introduce CBD into your night-time routine, you will find an extensive selection of products available for immediate purchase in our online store. If you have any questions or concerns, send an email to and see what we can do for you.