Welcome to CBD NectarNurse
Hello and welcome to our new blog, here at the CBD NectarNurse website. In the months to come, we’re going to be posting all kinds of informative and entertaining articles that will cover our extensive selection of products. If you’re new to CBD, you’ll get to know the many benefits of our range of oils, edibles, vapes, and supplements. If you’re already a regular customer or a dedicated consumer of CBD, you'll be able to keep on top of the latest developments and learn new ways to experience it.
To kick things off, we’re going to give you a little bit of our own history as a company, from our humble beginnings on social media to our current position as one of the most respected CBD brands in the UK.
Where it all beganWe have been selling CBD products to our loyal customers for a little over five years. Like many online businesses, we started off small with a limited selection of CBD oils and gummies that we sold directly through our Instagram page.
That was back in 2018, but even in those early days, it didn’t take long to see the positive results people were experiencing through our products, especially our full-spectrum CBD oils. It was wonderful to realize the impact we were having on people's lives, and it was then that we knew we were doing the right thing.
Growing Our BusinessThose first couple of years were spent building relationships with our suppliers and our customers, both of which were intimately connected. As our user base grew, it became important for us to find suppliers that shared our passion for quality products and unbeatable customer service. As we found more suppliers we could trust, we could offer more products to our ever-growing customer base… and so on, and so on.
The first couple of years were especially exciting as we tested and hand-picked each new product line, offering vapes, skincare, and supplements, as well as expanding our range of oils and edibles. As our reputation grew (often from recommendations from our customers), so did our users. This was most notable through our Instagram account, which soon swelled to about 7,000 followers.
Establishing Our BrandWe were on a roll, but we knew we had to create a solid identity if we were going to thrive in this new industry. We opened our first website as an online hub for our customers to buy directly from us. We introduced new and exciting products, including shilajit, sea moss, raw honey, and liquid vitamins. Perhaps most importantly, we successfully launched our own range of flavoured, full-spectrum CBD oils, putting our new branding front and centre.

Looking forward
So what does the future hold for CBD NectarNurse? As you can tell from this brief history, we’ve never rested on our laurels. We intend to continue sourcing and selling the very best CBD products and related supplements, as well as growing our own proprietary range of CBD goodies. For those of you who have taken this journey with us, we thank you so much for your custom and your friendship. If you’re new to our company or to CBD in general, welcome aboard! We hope you’ll join us for whatever comes next.
For the very best in CBD oils, edibles, vapes, skincare, and more, visit our online store to place an order. If you have any questions or concerns, send an email to info@cbdnectarnurse.com and see what we can do for you.